dark night

My barn having burned to the ground I can now see the moon. ~ Rumi
When the time comes for us to change or grow, the Universe seems to bring circumstances that can make us feel so gut-wrenchingly awful that we may feel like we want to die. Losing anything that we love (including faith) can bring us into this underworld of darkness.
Helping others navigate Dark Night is part of my calling. I have become a long time guide, a sort of lighthouse, to help people steer their way into the under world and to reclaim their strength and profound wisdom.
Dark night is a place one visits when profound loss enters in. It could be the loss of anything: a loved one, our money or home, the loss of our health; Aging can call it up; The loss of a fantasy can be particular devastating – or when we realize someone can absolutely not meet our needs. And what about the loss of heart, when we no longer can connect to anything meaningful? Any of these can send us soaring into the depths of despair.
This dark night of the Soul is a realm all of its own.
It usually involves a modicum of kicking and screaming before surrender makes an appearance. Some will avoid it at any cost, unaware of the great treasures it can offer. Some people become bitter or deeply resentful and others become compassionate, wise, and loving. We can either resist or learn to surrender.
When we resist, we stay closed, but when the shutters are closed, the sunlight cannot come in. To learn to yield or surrender means to open to an inner acceptance of what is. If we can begin to move toward the pain we have been running from, to rest in it, the power of loss can transform us. The way that we relate to our fear of loss shapes our capacity to live and love fully. Loss asks us to learn to let go and if we can learn to surrender, the potential for a complete rebirth makes its way known.
Ready to work together?
This is the purpose of my work: to support emotional wellbeing, recognize the struggle of being human, and nurture dreams, compassion, and hope.