
Nothing ever gets away until it reveals what we need to know. Our anxiety is a powerful messenger that comes to us as an an opportunity for healing.
Anxiety has become an ever-present uninvited guest in everyone’s world, regardless of age, how much or little money we have, whether we’re happily or unhappily married, single, healthy, or ill. It finds people who have great careers, and it finds people who are longing for more purpose. It can also tag its way onto anyone dealing with loss. I honestly don’t know a single person who hasn’t struggled with this.
It’s one of the greatest teachers I’ve ever known.
The intensity of anxiety can often focus around themes like whether you are with the “right” partner or if you have enough money; or your health; or whether your children are okay. But no matter the object of the anxiety, or the shape the obsessive thoughts are taking, it comes as an invitation to go deeper, as an offering to mend your life.
The tendency is to try and think, reason, plea, and bargain our way out of the discomfort. So often we focus our efforts on trying to get rid of the suffering rather than understand the gifts that can come from learning about it.
What if the anxiety is the healthiest part of your psyche, attempting to lead you to look at the essential parts of yourself that have gone underground?
To calm this demon energy you need to understand that as a messenger knocking at your door, it brings important insight. Though not always clear at the beginning, when you learn to understand the hidden messages of your anxiety, instead of something you just want to get rid of, you will see that, though it is an uninvited guest, it is precisely the vehicle which can guide you away from overwhelm and into wholeness.

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